UNITEC, specialised in the design and manufacture of technologies for the sorting of the quality of fresh fruit and vegetables, is one of the winners of the Responsible Innovators 2020 Award. The initiative was sponsored by the Emilia Romagna Region, and was aimed at enhancing the actions which contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, carried out in the local area by companies, professionals, associations, schools, and universities.
During the award ceremony held on 22nd December, the new UNITEC Campus project was awarded in the 2030 GiuntaER Special Prize category as the project that best responds to the four pillars at the basis of the Government Programme of the XI legislature (right to health, people and human capital as a factor of competitiveness, green conversion, building an attractive region). The new campus will be built in Lugo, in the former Iter area in front of the Company’s headquarters.
This is an area of approximately 30,000 sqm that, through a major redevelopment project, will be used to create a Research and Development Centre that will work on artificial intelligence and vision, mechanics, mechatronics, robotics, IT and big data projects; it will include a biology and chemistry laboratory for fruit and vegetables, a prototype workshop, training classroom, a showroom, a museum, and a conference room. Latest news, starting from 2022, the Campus will host the Mechatronics Degree Course of the University of Bologna.
In addition to all this, a Service Centre is to be built, which will include a guesthouse for off-site company employees, a canteen for about 120 people, a gym, a break room, a reading room, a play area, and a nursery for employees’ children.
The UNITEC Campus project has in its DNA a new way of conceiving the business of the future: the vision of a Company structured by functions, often stratified, will be replaced by a Company that organically integrates the dimensions of Research and Development, innovation, design, production, administration and management, international relations, communication and marketing, with the welfare of its employees and their personal lives.
“This project – declared Angelo Benedetti, President of UNITEC – is all about the people. The aim is to improve the quality of life by creating an environment in which UNITEC employees and young students can find greater well-being through the integration of their professional and personal lives.
We want to create a business environment – Benedetti continued – that can provide, on the one hand, a strong boost towards technological innovation, training and a professional stimulus for young people in Romagna and beyond, and, on the other hand, offer people a real opportunity to reconcile their personal and family lives with their working lives.”
“As UNITEC, – concluded Benedetti, – we have strongly believed in this ambitious project, and receiving this recognition today fills us with pride and great joy”.