Orlando, Florida, 10/19/2018
UNITEC Group will be present at the PMA Fresh Summit Trade Event, scheduled at Orlando on October 19th and 20th, 2018 for the nineth year in a row, taking with them all the innovation and excellence of their technologies, which are able to produce important evolutionary changes in the processing operations of the Fruit and Vegetable Packing Houses.
During the event, UNITEC stand will exhibit Unical 200 Cherry with the Cherry Vision 3.0 system and Uni 9.0 Pear with the Pears Sort 3 system, for the electronic quality selection of cherries the first, and pears the second.
The event at Orlando will be the ideal main stage which will further strenghten the impact of UNITEC Group technologies on the US market. UNITEC Group have been present with their branches for some years now, in order to be closer to its Customers overseas.
UNITEC work close to Fruit and Vegetable Packing Houses all over the world, with the aim of making the business more efficient, by reducing costs and increasing incomes.
Having these precise objectives in mind, UNITEC Group designs and makes highly customized and integrated technologies, which are able to efficiently meet the specific needs of the whole supply chain, from the field to the supermarket shelves.
Uni 9.0 Pear technology with the Pears Sort 3 system for the internal and external quality selection of pears is a real cutting-edge technology and will be exhibited at the UNITEC stand at the Orlando Trade Event. It represents the key element for building a closer relationship between UNITEC and the US world.
On July 16th 2018, at the Fruit and Vegetable Packing House Diamond Fruit Growers, located on the Hood River Valley in the state of Oregon, a 18-lane pear line equipped with Uni 9.0 Pear with the Pears Sort 3 system has been unveiled. It is the first installation in the world to be completely dedicated to the processing and quality selection of pears.
Speaking of the line purchase, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, in which even UNITEC Group President Angelo Benedetti was present, Diamond Fruit Growers Chairman Scott Halliday said he is “investing for the success of the future”.
His words couldn’t be more appropriate to express what UNITEC has always shown with the results their Customers have achieved during the years: investing in technology is the key to make the difference on the market and to be successful with a significant competitive advantage that will last for a long time.
Only few months away from the line start-up, the first important results have already been achieved. This is what Diamond Fruit Growers has recently stated:
We are very happy with how the line has been running. Our objective was to replace our old production volume, which was around 600 – 650 bins dumped a shift. With the new line we are regularly at 700 – 750 bins with some shifts in the 800s and one shift dumped 912 bins.
More efficiency therefore, both in terms of processing costs reduction and increase of the growing production efficiency.
On the main stage at Orlando, next to Uni 9.0 Pear technology with the Pears Sort 3 system there will be another major character of the UNITEC stand: Cherry Vision 3.0 technology for the automatic sorting of cherries.
The Cherry Vision 3.0 system, is an evolution of the Cherry Vision 2 system, which has already given important results to several US Fruit and Vegetable Packing Houses, like the Californian O-G Packing, Morada Produce, M&R Packing and Podesta Packing, just to name a few.
All of them agreed on saying that Cherry Vision 2 technology from UNITEC has significantly supported them to achieve their objectives.
For instance, the owner of Podesta Packing Packing House Fred Podesta said:
This is our third project that we’ve done with UNITEC and we expand with them (…) Listening to all our export buyers, all they say that UNITEC leads to the most Consistent Quality that we can achieve! With UNITEC Cherry Vision, we definitely picked up a lot more export markets and our export people have the most confident that the boxes are very consistent in colour, quality and size. We have picked up overseas customers just because of the UNITEC use!
These words clearly show that, thanks to the extreme reliability of the sorting carried out by Cherry Vision technology from UNITEC, Podesta Packing have been able to offer their Customers a type of fruit which is consistent at every supply (Consistent Quality in packages) and consistent quality between one supply and the next one (Consistent Quality overtime).
Thanks to the Consistent Quality guarantee at each supply, Podesta Packing have been able to improve their attractiveness, strengthen the trust of Consumers and therefore enter more demanding and rentable markets, even far away from their production and processing.
Similar results in USA have been achieved by the Packing Houses which aimed at improving their operations for the processing and the quality selection of their blueberries. Above all, the Fruit and Vegetable Packing House AC foods, located in Oregon and California, have chosen Blueberry Vision 2 technology from UNITEC for their blueberries.
We’ve seen a lot of benefit working with UNITEC, particularly in terms of quality. We know a lot more of what’s happening with each berry that we sort. We see a lot of benefit from having this level of sorting detail and having benefit to our export business nowadays.
This is what Regional Manager of AC foods Will Susich said, which is very similar to what Fred Podesta expressed: sorting efficiency and reliability as well as advantages in the export business.
Such statements are very rewarding for UNITEC Team who, in the United States as in the rest of the world – Europe, South America, South Africa, Far East… – commit themselves everyday, through continuous research and innovation, in order to bring Concrete Results to their Customers. Results in terms of improvement of the processing of pears, cherries and blueberries, as well as other variety of fresh fruit (green and yellow Kiwifruit, stonefruit, citrusfruit) and vegetables (tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, peppers, eggplants…).
This is what UNITEC Group President Angelo Benedetti said: “The results achieved during these years by several US Fruit and Vegetable Packing Houses thanks to UNITEC technologies have been constantly improving our satisfaction, gratification and trust in operating in terms of technological innovation which leads to concrete results for our Customers”.